Terms of service.
This web site, including all of its features and content (this "Web Site") is a service made available by Social Assurity LLC ("Provider") and all content, information, services, products and reports ordered or provided on or through this Web Site ("Content") may be used solely under the following terms and conditions ("Terms of Use"). By using this website, you also acknowledge that you are over the age of 13 and that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
1. You will only use this website for personal use. You will not use this website for any commercial purpose, absent the express prior written consent of Social Assurity LLC.
2. You agree only to request a verification of background information about yourself or, if you are a parent, for your child and no other person, and you certify that the personal identifiable information you enter on this website will be yours and yours alone and is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.
3. You understand that if you provide false information on this website or attempt to obtain background information about an individual under false pretenses or without a permissible purpose, you may be subject to criminal or civil liability, including fines and imprisonment of up to two years.
4. You agree that you are solely responsible for all fees and costs associated with your request for a background report(s) as detailed on this website and that the name supplied on your credit card must match the name entered for a background request or confirm that you are that person's parent or legal guardian. Social Assurity LLC does not give credits or refunds for any of its furnished reports even when no records are found. We incur costs for every search we conduct on behalf of our clients and therefore offer no refunds for any of our completed reports (orders providing search results with or without criminal/public record data are considered completed transactions).
5. You understand that Social Assurity LLC assembles information from a variety of sources, including databases maintained by consumer reporting agencies containing information from public records, other information repositories and third-party researchers. These sources are not maintained by Social Assurity LLC and may be fallible (human and otherwise). Therefore, the information Social Assurity LLC obtains in its background reports is from various third party sources on an “AS IS” basis and therefore Social Assurity LLC is making such information available to you and anyone else authorized to view the information “AS IS”.
6. During the normal course of business, delays in delivering reports and services may arise due to various causes: lack of sufficient and available information, unanticipated volume increases in orders, and any other unintentional cause. Social Assurity LLC will make all reasonable attempts to maintain acceptable turn times, but reserves the right at any time to revise them as needed. Turn times are expressly indicated as “Estimated” and in no way will ever be assumed as guaranteed. Social Assurity LLC makes no representation or warranty whatsoever, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose, or implied warranties arising from the course of dealing or a course of performance with respect to the accuracy, validity, or completeness of any information services and/or consumer reports, that the information services will meet the your needs, or the needs or anyone else you authorize to view this information or that this information will be provided on an uninterrupted basis; Social Assurity LLC expressly disclaims any and all such representations and warranties.
7. Social Assurity LLC is not a Private Investigation Company: We do not engage in any activities for which a license is required. Specifically, to comply with privacy laws, we do not have access, utilize, reveal or provide any confidential information, such as an individual’s financial status, employment background, credit history, or medical records contained in consumer reports, the dissemination of which is strictly prohibited by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USCS 1681a. While we may provide links to companies that provide access to public records, we do not control these services and their data collection methods and we cannot access or maintain databases of records on any individual or organization. We cannot update such databases and cannot be held liable for what may or may not be in such databases. If the purpose of your investigation is to determine an applicant’s eligibility for credit or insurance for personal, family or household purposes, employment or a government license or benefit, You may need to obtain the consent of the applicant. Please note that the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C.§ 1681) prohibits use of information obtained to determine a consumer’s eligibility for credit or insurance for personal, family or household purposes, employment or a government license or benefit unless the consumer or prospective employee consents to such search. Social Assurity LLC disclaims any responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of any information presented.
8. You will indemnify and hold harmless Social Assurity LLC, its successors and assigns, officers, directors, and employees from any and all claims, actions or liabilities arising from your use and/or reliance of or relating to the information on this website, or your dealings, contracts, or experiences with the companies, entities, organizations, or individuals identified on this website. You agree that Social Assurity LLC will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages for loss of profits, whether incurred as a result of negligence or otherwise, even if Social Assurity LLC has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. All of the information and content, with the exception of your background information, on this website is the sole and exclusive property of Social Assurity LLC and you have no permission or right to reproduce or publish such information or content without the express prior written consent of Social Assurity LLC.
10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction. The Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, USA and any action arising out of or relating to these terms shall be filed only in state or federal courts located in New York, USA and you hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating any such action.
11. Privacy. Your use of this Web Site is subject to our Privacy Policy.
12. Modifications to Terms of Use. Social Assurity LLC reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time. Updated versions of the Terms of Use will appear on this Web Site and are effective immediately. You are responsible for regularly reviewing the Terms of Use. Continued use of this Web Site after any such changes constitutes your consent to such changes. If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy & legal disclaimer policy, please feel free to contact us by email.